Friday - 09/03/2021 — I know I’ve talked a lot over the years about getting rid of stuff I don’t use, but last week I decided to get very real about that goal. I’d be too embarrassed to show you a before picture of these kitchen cabinets, but here’s the after picture.
The bowl on the top shelf is one of two that I use for feeding Fuzzy Britches (the other bowl is currently on the floor being licked).
The middle shelf contains a 1-cup measuring cup nested inside the 4-cupper I use when I concoct hummingbird food. To the right of that is a turntable with minced garlic, mustard seed, turmeric, and dill weed, as well as a black canister of licorice-root teabags and a bottle of anti-histamine (easily reachable if I get stung and have an allergic reaction).
The bottom shelf holds the only four mugs I truly love, a big ball jar with my wheat-free breakfast cereal of choice, two dinner plates, two salad plates, and five bowls. I could probably get by with one of each size of plate and no more than two bowls, but I didn’t want to be too drastic.
At some point I’m going to need to deal with the other cabinets in the kitchen, those in the bathrooms, and (gasp!) the over-sized dresser in my bedroom.
Another day, perhaps.
