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How Can I Help You?

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Office Hours

monday - friday,

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

"be yourself; everybody else is already taken." - oscar wilde

frequently asked questions

what if i don’t know how to start writing my memoirs?

You’ve come to the right place. My beginning memoirs classes are specifically designed to help you gain confidence as you begin to write the stories of your life. The classes are interactive, so you benefit from the practical experience of trying out a number of different techniques. This way you can decide which is best for you.

would you be available to edit my memoirs once i have them written?

I appreciate your vote of confidence, but I’m no longer working as a freelance editor.

how do I sign up for your newsletter?

Thanks for asking. I have an easy sign-up process here on my website. Scroll to the bottom footer of my website and you will see a newsletter form. All you need to enter is your name and your email address. I promise not to bombard you with newsletters, by the way. Only the important info as it becomes available!

i’d love to be your friend on facebook, fran!

I appreciate that, and if I had a Facebook page, our connection would be good. BUT, I deleted my FB account some time ago. You can see my weekly journal entries (sort of a Friday mini-memoir) here on my website under "Fran's Journal," and of course, you're welcome to email me at any time (myownship at iCloud dot com). I'd love to hear from you.

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